Getting Ready For Baby: Labor Bag Checklist
From push presents to pet plans check out this comprehensive list to help you stay ready and organised when its time to welcome your...
Eight years ago on March 29th, 2013, I had a beautiful baby boy. Having spent my entire career as a labor and delivery nurse I knew I had this baby thing down pat. Boy, was I wrong. Nothing could have ever prepared me for the sore hiney and nipples. How difficult and painful that first latch would be. How I would drift from immense happiness to intense sadness and self-pity.
I had spent my entire career ushering women into motherhood. How did I not know that hemorrhoid pain was unbearable? It may be worse than giving birth because it’s relentless and there is no epidural for that. Why didn’t anyone talk about the mind numbing fatigue or the brain fog. Did I mention the hemorrhoid pain?