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Bumps, Babies & Boobs

Featured Speaker


This section is too empty so i believe we should add some text here also related to this badge and you. This section is too empty so i believe we should add some text here also related to this badge and you. This section is too empty so i believe we should add some text here also related to this badge and you. This section is too empty so i believe we should add some text here also related to this badge and you. 


This section is too empty so i believe we should add some text here also related to this badge and you. This section is too empty so i believe we should add some text here also related to this badge and you. 


The Wife

Mrs. K

I met married my husband in 2011 and we were traditionally married (he paid my bride price, a story for another day) just 9 months later.

The Mother

Boy Mom

I am mom to two amazing rambunctious boys, Tai (7) and Tana (4). We are currently expecting our 3rd child and praying for girl. 

The Boss

Chief Lactation Officer

I am the owner and founder of The Perfect Push, The Perfect Push Foundation and The Northwest FamilyFest.

The Wife

Mrs. K

I met married my husband in 2011 and we were traditionally married (he paid my bride price, a story for another day) just 9 months later.

The Mother

Boy  Mom

I am mom to two amazing rambunctious boys, Tai (7) and Tana (4). We are currently expecting our 3rd child and praying for girl. 

The Boss

Chief Lactation Officer

I am the owner and founder of The Perfect Push, The Perfect Push Foundation and The Northwest FamilyFest.

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